First step in making chocolates:
Chocolates are one of the most delicious foods in the world. It is eaten
by everyone across the world. The process of making a chocolate starts from
bean to chocolate bar. In the first step of making the chocolates, the seed or
bean from the Cacao fruit is collected. A good chocolate always undergoes some
serious processing of cacao beans. A proper method of processing the cacao
beans is a good method for creation of fine chocolates.
Ingredients in making a fine
For making the chocolate, Cacao must be harvested first. The farmers
harvest and cut the fruit using their own hands. After collecting all the cacao
fruits the cacao pulp is removed and the beans inside the fruits are gathered.
This is the first step in making a fine chocolate. The ingredients used in
these chocolates should be best without compromising in the taste of the
chocolates. The ingredients used and the making procedure decides the quality
and taste of the chocolates.
How chocolates are made:
First the cacao beans must be grained to proceed through the process of
fermentation. In making finer chocolates fermentation is the most important
step. During the fermentation process the deep brown color of the chocolate is
obtained. Fermentation can take up to 5 to 6 days. During this period of time
the cacao pulp turns in to a liquid by settling all the natural sugars. These
natural sugars provide a delicious taste in chocolates.
Drying the chocolates:
After the completion of fermentation, the drying process takes place. In
this procedure the cacao beans must be dried in further making of the
chocolate. Cacao is dried mostly by the sun which is a good and natural
procedure in drying the chocolate.
Usually drying cacao may take up to two weeks, so hot air dryers are used to dry
the cacao which takes less time. But it is not good method for producing a fine
Roasting for finer chocolates:
When the process of drying is completed, roasting process takes place.
Roasting is a time consuming process. During Roasting the cacao beans are
roasted up to 210 degrees Fahrenheit. Roasting must be carried out carefully
because it offers the rich taste and flavors to chocolates. There are different
types of roasting like Oven roasting, Air roasting, Drum roasting, Hot air
roasting and many more.
What is Winnowing?
Winnowing is another process in chocolate creation. Winnowing is also
called as grinding. Grinding the cacao beans to a finer extent produces a good
chocolate. The process of creating a chocolate from bean to bar requires more patience. These
steps are to be followed in producing finer and best chocolates.